This is the case between two ends... like a proverbial sides of the coin.

It is often said that there are two ends to achievement; Howbeit, it remains obscured if both should be reckoned with in the same mannerism. I mean when God has seen you through to success. As showcased in the recipient entire live; they played seemly similar roles for that hard to come success. When one end pull you with the awesome zeal and power it got, the other pushes more aggressively to and fro and the resultant life “towing“ you around. In the given interpretation, while the pushes comes from the friends who make you ultimately discover yourself, the pulls do come from the enemies, they victimize you to pursue it. Buying the idea of Isaac Newton, “action and reaction are equal and act in opposite direction”. Hence, should your responses be delayed in other to have enough weight to fight those external forces? Perhaps, you might have subscribed to superposition principle which says“ the net response caused by two or more stimuli is the sum of the responses that would have been caused by each stimuli independently”. Will you also response immediately towards the direction of stimulus or its agent(s)?

Check how Ignorant more than poverty that should have been more drastically relieved, is the enemy of progress. There is this general belief that “this life is a great teacher” how come many have failed to learn their lessons even though it continues  throwing  them up and down. Isn't it in real needs of the assistance of real teachers to design suitable curriculum to this effect? In a bit to respond to this clarion call, let me quickly share with you a version of what my teacher said on the case as it unfolds about the two ends

1. Fake friends says bad thing behind your back and good ones to your face.
2. Fake friends are like shadows, always near you at your brightest moments but nowhere to be seen at your darkest hours.
3. Be careful about who you trust and tell your problem as not every one who smiles at you are your friend.
4. If you are rich and successful, you will attract many friends, but if you should suffer hardship or have misfortune your friends will quickly depart.
5. Fake friends treat you like a tree, they care as long as you give away your fruits, but once you stop they fire your branches to cook  these fruits you gave.
6. Be kind for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.
7. We are strangers in this world until we have found a friend.
8. Understand your friend before hand and keep doing so.
9. Be the type to apologize your friend to show you value friendship more than your ego.
10.Finally, whenever it faces you; kick it, behinds you butt it, but, when you are lonely rigorously risk your second thought.

Because if you can manage all forces involved in both these ends, may be you have high chances to excel in life. But, before then “Show me your friends and I will tell you whom you are”


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